Thursday, March 4, 2010

test test test..allah allah

i was "power walking" on campus the other night....actually i was just walking but i usually add the power part to it to convince myself that i do it to get thinner...anyways you know when ur alone and then ur mind just wanders around and after sometime of thinking you say to urself what the hell am i thinking now when all these random thoughts just line up and then you start swriling and swirling till like an hour is gone!
well on that night i was really thinking about my first blog post and what am i going to write?! on that day i was youtubing when i saw this vidoe "altefla alaty abkat al maleka nawaal fi baby star academy" 7aga keda and then i though wtf who cares y al maleka nawaal cried y should that be of any importance to anyone mat3ayat ya 3am wala te3mel2li te3melo ehh el habal dah??!!?
then sudenly i thought about hosni mubarak and how i dislike his rule and i thought egypt really should be better we shouldn't be like this!! then suddenly i started listing everything that i like and dislike in my life.....
2na mesh ba7eb 7osny mubarak wala ba7eb 7okmoh 2na mesh bakrah gamaal mubarak bas bakrah 2no 3awz yeb2a ra2ees .....mesh 3aref a7eb 3aa2 mubarak 7ases 2no me7'aby balaawy (wallaho a3lam)..... ba7eb safwat el shereef gedaaan we shayfo brens el layaaly fel 7ezb mesh fahem a7mad nazeef we msh 2aader a7es 2no his our priminister.....maba7ebesh 3mr adeeb ba7eb mona el shazly maba7ebesh m3taz el demerdaash we mesh fahem howa 2zaay mozee3....mesh shayef 2n shobeir mozee3 ba7eb el koora fi masr bas shayefha tafha 2wiii ba7eb nady chelsea for no apparent reason ba7eb el nady el ahly we bakrah naady el zamaalek...we ba7ebo ye7'sar bakrah manchester united bas ba2adar rooney .......bakrah ronaldo el so3'ayar bas ba7terem el kebeeer.....ba7eb zein el diin zeidan we shayfo a7san la3eeb fel taree7' ba7eb el taree7' wel go3'rafya bas mesh 2ader a7eb el handasa...... ba7eb el me3maar wel decore bas mesh shayef mosta2bal lel betrool...ba7eb so7aaby betoo3 malizya we ba7eb 3eshty fi malizya bas bakrah asaafer malizya 2wii 2wii 2wii.....ba7eb sa7bety gedan we ba7eb so7aby betoo3 masr 2wii.....ba7eb masr bas bat7'ene2 men wasa7'etha.....ba7eb el nile bas ba7'aaf menooo ba7eb el zamaalek bas bakrah el ma3aady .....medaaye2 2ni maba2aleesh so7aab fel ma3aady...
ba7eb arateb 2wii we ba7es 2ni barateb aktaaar be keteer mabanafez...ba7eb a3'aany 3mr diaab 2wiii bas bakrah amr diaab we 7alet el 27tekaar 2li 3amelha 3la el shabaa 7awet a7eb moneir 3shan ab2a mo7'talef bas 7a2ee2y ma3reftesh......kont ba7eb 3seily gedan kont 7aasoo howa da el ta3'yeer bas tab3an kolena seme3na shereeto el a7'eer.......ba7eb 2b2a mo7'talef.....bas ba7eb so7aaby yeb2oo zayy.....ba7eb el tafaaha 2wii we ba7eb hzaar el atfaal we ba7eb el atfaal (in a non offensive wau) ba7eb 3ilty gedan ba7eb a7'ooya 2wii we ba7termo 7atta law mabatefe2sh ma3aah.......ba7eb mafhoom el osra we nefsy yekoon leya wa7da fi 2a2rab forsa momkena.
ba7eb el loon el azra2 we ba7eb el rakam 3shara mesh 3aref leih?!!ba7eb al3ab ayy reyada tanafoseya we bala2y nafsy bat7eme2 3la ay match le ay le3ba batfarag 3leiha .....maba7ebesh el televezyoon ...bas ba7eb el aflaam 2wii bas maleesh toolet baal 23od keteer 3leihom. ba7eb el naas el raya 2li beted7ak 3la tool maba7ebesh el naas el ka2eeba eli see that life is a bad place and fee zolm keteer and ne3mel ehh?????
ba7eb masr gedan gedan gedan we ba7eb taree7'ha we fe3lan nefsy ashoofha fi 7yaaty dawla leeha lazma.....
bas ba3d keda wesellt el 2ooda we 23adt 3la maktaby we mesh faaker bayen 2tfaragt 3la film aww 3malt 7aga tafha ka 3adty ma3 el shaab el tafha ka 3adethom.

2na 3aref 2n 2li beye2ra da momken maykoonsh beyahtam beli katabto bas 2na 7aseit i need to write these thoughts down.sry 2ni tawelt 3leiko.


P.S thanks ya Islam for the blog idea :D


  1. u knw wt's the best thing about the blog ?..enena momken nktb ay haflata tygy 3la dema3'ana.. just like u did :d.... oh and don't walk alone again...

  2. ba7eb el saffar bas bakraaah el tarteeeb elly ableeeh !!!

  3. this is very very very touching ya aly. bitchin stuff. u have it in u. molto bene.

  4. hahaha !!! nice moot ya ali ... it made me really think about blogging ma self ... bas i like the power walkin thingy ... keep it up !!!
